Sample (Online) Game

Here is a link to the first voting forum in a game recently completed at one of my gaming sites,

The entirety of the game can be found there. Please note that the players are adults and occasionally get vulgar.

Thanks for the support!

“Fall, Caesar” Sample Game

Welcome, Kickstarter browsers! Above you’ll find some helpful links, and here I’ll link you to the posts for an online version of Fall, Caesar (called “Rome” at the time) that was played just last month. I hope to get a video or Skype game up here soon, but for now, you can see how this game plays out fairly easily.

For this game, there was one assassination per day and all conversation happened on the message board. When things like the “championship match” are referenced, this refers to the big picture on that site, as everyone gains points for the games they play, which leads up to a match against the current champion.

Game Setup and Rules. The game played out slightly differently than the card game will, but most of it is the same.
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Final Results/Discussion